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  • St Brigids Church 122 North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA, 01002 United States (map)

When we pray before the Blessed Sacrament, we believe we are in the direct, physical presence of Christ in the consecrated host. This creates an opportunity for intimate, face-to-face prayer and contemplation with Jesus. The dedicated time and sacred space helps create a deeper focus on prayer. The traditional setting of Eucharistic Adoration - often in silence, with minimal distractions - can facilitate a more meditative and contemplative prayer experience than might be possible in other environments.

There's also a communal aspect to this practice. Even when praying alone, Catholics participating in Adoration are part of a worldwide tradition of Eucharistic devotion that spans centuries. Many Catholics report feeling a stronger connection to their faith community through this shared practice.

The structured nature of Adoration can help develop discipline in prayer life. Having a specific time and place for prayer, especially if done regularly, can help establish a consistent prayer routine.

April 6

African Mass

April 11

Soup and Stations