Monday Meetings
We meet in St. Brigid’s parish center library @ 6:30-8:00PM. Below are dates and upcoming events
Video from Knights of Columbus with conversations led by the Forge scehduling committee.
Our own Forge brother Gene Fisher will share his personal methodology with us along with specific examples.
Scheduling and events committees lead by Chairman Tommy Goodrow
We’ll be airing the movie “Nefarious” in the St. Brigid’s Parish Center library
Fr. Daily will be giving a talk to the Forge on the sacrament of reconciliation. Come learn more about confession and why Fr. Dailey says its a “game changer”!
Calling all men of the Forge to come to together in prayer and Adoration. This is a special Monday of Holy Week meeting of the Forge.
John Edwards (Just a Guy in the Pew Ministries), will speak to our group about Four Pillars of men’s ministry. John will join us remotely (via Zoom).
Deacon Morrell has been doing prison ministry for several years (he was featured last April on “Real to Reel”,
Our next Forge on 19-February @ 6:30PM features Fr. David Aufiero. Many of you know Fr. Dave, a UMass guy who spent time at Newman Center, and is now Pastor at Holy Family in South Deerfield. Fr. Dave also formed a men’s group/ministry at Holy Family around the same time that we did so at St. Brigid’s and Newman under spiritualdirection of Fr. Gary and Fr. Valentine.
Fr. Dave will be talking about men’s ministry and Lent (and maybe a bit about the Exodus90 program). We meet in 19-February @ 6:30PM in St. Brigid’s parish center library. I hope to see you there and encourage you to bring a friend or male family member!
Mike worked patrol on Massachusetts State Police for 21 years (retired), and served 30+ years in US Army Special Forces (Green Berets) Afghanistan & Iraq veteran (retired). He started small consulting business and teachs part time at LE academy ( Mike will share his conversion story and how he returned to his Catholic faith.
You do not have to be a Catholic (practicing or otherwise), but you might just want to be!